The Portable Dissertation Advisor

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The Portable Dissertation Advisor

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  • 【入荷遅延について】
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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 208 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780761946960
  • DDC分類 808.066

Full Description

"I do not believe I have ever seen a work of this kind that so thoroughly and so carefully examines the important consideration of working with the students' advisor, relationships with the students' supervisory committee, and the oral defense. Students using this text will certainly applaud this work."
M. Scott Norton, Professor
Arizona State University

Having problems getting your dissertation finished? Here is the help you need!

Getting your doctorate part-time or via the computer makes it difficult to schedule meetings with your advisor, use the library's resources, or discuss your topic ideas and dissertation difficulties with fellow students. Problems unique to nontraditional graduate students are alleviated with this easy-to-use dissertation guide. In sections devised to follow the conventional structure of a dissertation, Bryant organizes the book to help you locate vital information quickly and efficiently.

Practical, targeted, and no-nonsense, this book includes suggestions and tips for:

Finding a topic, a theory, and a research method
Creating a dissertation support group, plus an appendix listing activities for a support group
Using a research library from off campus
Developing a productive relationship with your advisor

The Portable Dissertation Advisor also contains an annotated bibliography of research books, a list of doctoral studies written about writing dissertations, and an assessment tool for you to evaluate your study.


About the Author
1. First Steps Towards Your Dissertation
2. The Introductory Sections
3. The Literature Review
4. The Research Design
5. The Report of Your Findings
6. The Concluding Section
7. Sage Advice on Navigating the Dissertation Process
Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography of Useful Books
Appendix B: Bibliography of Helpful Dissertations
Appendix C: Assessment Instrument for Evaluating Your Study
Appendix D: Activities for Dissertation Support Groups