Payroll Management Handbook -- paperback (REVISED ED)

Payroll Management Handbook -- paperback (REVISED ED)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版
  • 商品コード 9780754517504

Full Description

"(PUBLICATION FIRST MARKED AS OUT OF PRINT 09/10/03)A comprehensive guide for anyone with responsibility for payroll management, this manual covers the whole range of payroll activities, including statutory and voluntary deductions, administration, organisation, accounting, computerisation, security, pay schemes, pension schemes, audits and Inland Revenue inspections. Every edition is updated to reflect the latest developments in payroll and new legislation. The Payroll Management Handbook is now offered as a subscription product. This means that you do not need to re-order next year's edition - it will be sent automatically. Please advise us when ordering if you do not wish this to happen."


"Introduction; Outline of Payroll Administration; The Legal Framework; Payee Status; Payroll Law; Background to Pay and Benefits; Pay Schemes; Sickness, Disability and Maternity Benefits and Family Leave; Benefits, Expenses and Termination Payments; Pension Schemes and Contributions; Income Tax; National Insurance Contributions; Attachment of Earnings Orders; Voluntary Deductions; Employee Payroll Procedures; Payroll Accounting; PAYE Procedures; Manual Calculation Methods; Payment Methods; Pension Payroll Procedures; Payroll Organisation; Management Skills; Security and Administrative Controls; Payroll Audits; Payroll Technology; Computer Systems; Future Developments; Affecting Payroll Administration; Table of Cases; Table of Statutes; Table of Statutory Instruments; Index"
