M&Aユーザーガイド<br>Reaping the Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions

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Reaping the Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 272 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780750653992
  • DDC分類 658.16


From three perspectives: Those of the acquirer, the acquired and the transition manager.

Full Description

Will the early years of the new century continue to witness the huge growth in merger and acquisition activity which marked the end of the last? The chances are that they will - witness the value of deals carried out by the top five investment banks in the first quarter of 2001 alone ($456.2 billion). The quest for the golden fleece is alive and well. Will the majority of M&As continue to fail to achieve their potential value? This book is about breaking out of the cycle of grand strategy, great prospects, poor implementation, lost opportunities. The authors believe that it is possible for M&As to realise their value - and more.

Bringing home the golden fleece involves more than just setting sail in quest for riches. It's about understanding the destination/end game, and working out the most appropriate route. This book has been written with the practitioner in mind, with the thirteen chapters split into three sections. The first section provides an overview of the merger process and outlining the key elements of success. Section Two focuses on the nuts & bolts of managing the integration process - from transition to full integration. Illustrated by a detailed case study of Articon Integralis AG, the leading supplier of IT Security Solutions and Services in Europe. The final section looks at the themes that can make or break mergers - creating the culture of the new organisation, communications, retention and the roles of line managers and HR. Each section is supported by checklists that should be helpful whether you are a novice at the merger game or an expert.


Part 1 Mergers and Acquisitions - In Search of the Golden Fleece; Chapter 2 The Human and Organizationalaspects of Change; Part 2 Starting the Search - Prospecting and Evaluation; Chapter 4 Legal Aspects of Mergers; Chapter 5 Preparing to Set Sail - Transition Planning; Chapter 6 Designing in the Value - Integration Initiative Design; Chapter 7 Delivering the Value - Transition Management; Part 3 Communicating with Effect; Chapter 9 Retaining Staff Loyalty; Chapter 10 Creating the New Organizational Culture; Chapter 11 The Role of HR; Chapter 12 The Role of Line Managers in Mergers; Chapter 13 Conclusion - Reaping the Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions;