Vertical Reflexology : A revolutionary five-minute technique to transform your health


Vertical Reflexology : A revolutionary five-minute technique to transform your health

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 192 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780749921323
  • DDC分類 615.822

Full Description

Vertical Reflexology for Hands is the companion volume to Lynne Booth's ground-breaking Vertical Reflexology. That book introduced Lynne's revolutionary technique that provides deeper access to reflex points so that the treatment is quicker and more effective than conventional reflexology, providing results in just 5 minutes. In her new book Lynne explains how vertical reflexology can work powerfully on reflex points on the hands and nails. Explains the extraordinary healing possible from hand reflexology. Provides detailed diagrams of the key reflex points on the hands. Details a step-by-step self-help treatment guide for common ailments. Provides ground-breaking material on nail reflexology - a new area of reflexology research which has achieved amazing results in treating complaints of the nervous system