With God on the Golf Course (Outdoor Insights Pocket Devotionals) (POC)

With God on the Golf Course (Outdoor Insights Pocket Devotionals) (POC)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 128 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780736909143
  • DDC分類 242.68

Full Description

Although popular author Phil Callaway offers no guarantee for a lower golf score, he does offer 40 short devotionals full of warm, humorous, and enjoyable reflections on the sport Mark Twain called "a good walk ruined." "This isn't a book about the mechanics of golf. Thousands of those are already available. This is a book about life. Golf is a useful game, teaching us more about life and faith than we think...if we will only listen." Phil Callaway Duffers old and young will appreciate the wisdom and grace found in this a new addition to the Outdoor Insights pocket devotional series. A great read while waiting at the tee, in the clubhouse, or during a quiet evening at home.