Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy (3TH)

Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy (3TH)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 224 p., 760 illus.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780723432111
  • DDC分類 611


Features: Over 700 large-size, high quality X-Rays, MRI's and CT's etc.

Full Description

Weir and Abrahams' "Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy" is the definitive atlas of normal anatomy as viewed through the complete range of imaging modalities. The book is organized by region, each area of normal anatomy being presented via a range of techniques. The images are meticulously labeled, providing the reader with a reliable and comprehensive guide to normal human anatomy. The third edition has been updated to reflect advances in imaging technology, particularly in terms of CT, MR and ultrasound imaging. In all, 200 new diagnostic images have been added, and in response to user feedback, 25 new line diagrams have been added to aid interpretation of certain key images. The book therefore now includes over 700 photographs of outstanding clarity, as well as 35 interpretative artworks.


Introduction Head, neck, and brain Vertebral column and spinal cord Upper limb Thorax Abdomen Pelvis Lower limb
