GCSE Modern World History, Second Edition Student Book (History in Focus) (2ND)


GCSE Modern World History, Second Edition Student Book (History in Focus) (2ND)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 432 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780719577130
  • DDC分類 909.82

Full Description

Provide complete support for your GCSE Modern World History candidates with this bestselling textbook from an author you can really trust.

GCSE Modern World History supports GCSE and IGCSE specifications.

This book combines clear explanations, carefully-designed tasks and fascinating source material.

Questions, activities and Focus Tasks are provided throughout to:
> Deepen understanding of the content
> Develop evaluative and investigative skills
> Help students become more independent learners
> Support exam preparation

This book covers the following topics:
> The First World War, including Causes and Peace Treaties
> The USSR, Germany and the USA between the wars Depth Studies
> Cooperation and Conflict 1919-1945
> International Relations 1945-1990

The accompanying Teacher Resource Book includes structured support for every major task in the Student Book. It's available free online at hoddereducation.co.uk/historynest


: 1 The causes of the First World War
: 2 Britain and the First World War: 1914-1918
: 3 British depth study 1906-1918
: 4 The peace treaties after the First World War
: 5 Russia and the USSR 1905-1941
: 6 Germany 1918-1945
: 7 The USA 1919-1941
: 8 The League of Nations
: 9 Causes of the Second World War
: 10 The world at war 1939-1945
: 11 The beginnings of the Cold War: 1945-1949
: 12 The Cold War 1950-1975
: 13 The USA 1941-1980
: 14 Eastern Europe and the Cold War 1948-1989