Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm (Studies in Air Power)

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Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm (Studies in Air Power)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 344 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780714681955
  • DDC分類 956.7044248

Full Description

In response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on the second of August 1990, a small group of air power advocates in the Pentagon proposed a strategic air campaign - "Operation Desert Storm" designed to drive the Iraqi army from Kuwait by a sustained effort against the major sources of Iraqi national power. John Andreas Olsen provides a coherent and comprehensive examination of the origins, evolution and implementation of this campaign. His findings derive from official military and political documentation, interviews with United States Air Force officers who were closely involved with the planning of the campaign and Iraqis with detailed knowledge and experience of the inner workings of the Iraqi regime.


1. The Politico-Military Context of Operation Desert Storm 2. The Genesis of the Strategic Air Campaign Plan 3. The Evolution of the Strategic Air Campaign Plan 4. The Target State: The Iraqi regime's political power structure 5. An Examination of the Strategic Air Campaign
