Ramopakhyana - the Story of Rama in the Mahabharata : A Sanskrit Independent-Study Reader

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Ramopakhyana - the Story of Rama in the Mahabharata : A Sanskrit Independent-Study Reader

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 958 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780700713912
  • DDC分類 491.286421

Full Description

The most popular story in all of India and a classic of world literature is summarised in 728 verses in the great epic Mahabharata. Intended for independent study or classroom use for students of various levels who have had a basic introduction to Sanskrit, this fully annotated edition of the Ramopakhyana supplies all the information required for complete comprehension. It contains the Devanagari text, Roman transliteration, sandhi analysis, Sanskrit prose equivalents to the verses, syntactic and cultural notes, and the English translation, and word-by-word grammatical analysis.


Preface Introduction 1. Divine, Historical, and Spiritual Dimensions of the Story of Rama, and its Place in the Mahabharata 2. Structure and Content of the Present Edition of the Ramopakhyana as an Independent-study Sanskrit Reader 3. Suggestions for Use Ramopakhyana Glossary of Proper Names Genealogy Word Index List of Abbreviations and Morphological and Lexical Identifiers Bibliography
