文化的多様性の社会心理学<br>Cultural Diversity : Its Social Psychology


Cultural Diversity : Its Social Psychology

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 240 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780631231233
  • DDC分類 306


Focuses on intergroup relationships - what happens when people migrate, how they adapt, and what changes are produced by their presence.

Full Description

Cultural Diversity: Its Social Psychology shows how social psychology can contribute to contemporary debates about immigration and multiculturalism.

Shows how social psychology can contribute to contemporary debates about immigration and cultural diversity.
Helps readers to understand the processes that have shaped modern societies and the diversity issues they are facing.
Reviews research into the socio-psychological factors facilitating or hindering the emergence of plural societies.
Focuses on intergroup relationships - what happens when people migrate, how they adapt, and what changes are produced by their presence.
The issues discussed are contextualised within the traditional accounts of the nation-state, European integration and North American and Australian experiences.
Student-friendly features include boxes, summaries, lists of key words, suggestions for further reading and a glossary.


Foreword by Serge Moscovici vii

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xiii

Introduction xv

What is Social Psychology About? xvi

Social Psychology and the Study of Multicultural Societies xviii

Cultural Memberships and Understanding of the Social World xx

Beliefs About Acculturation: The Coexistence of Different Cultures Under the Same Political and Social Organization xxiv

1 Moving Into New Environments: The Perspective of People Belonging to Non-Dominant Cultural Groups 1

Managing Change, Unfamiliar Environments, and Experiences: Acculturation as a Major Life-Change Event 4

Transmitting and Retaining One's Cultural Values, and Challenges to Perceptions of the World and of the Self 12

Becoming a Member of the ''New Society'': Dealing with Devalued/Minority Identities, Prejudice, and Discrimination 20

2 Receiving Immigrants, Perceiving the Other: Reactions of People Belonging to Dominant Cultural Groups 33

Social Psychological Theories of Prejudice 35

Representations of Groups: Stereotypes and Social Categorization 42

Prejudice Linked to Racial Differentiation 45

Constructing ''Otherness'': Extreme Problematizations of the Outgroup 52

Feeling Threatened: Identity, Change, and Resources 60

3 Living Together in Culturally Diverse Societies 66

Reducing Prejudice: Contact and Categorization Issues 67

Relationships Between Groups: Issues of Negative and Positive Interdependence and Power 73

Superordinate Memberships: The Battle for Group Beliefs 85

4 Towards Cultural Diversity: Representations, Identity, and Social Influence 97

The Nation-State: A Powerful Ingroup 99

Supranational Groups, Multiple Identities, and Founding Myths: Developing New Projects 112

In the Name of Identity: Self-Knowledge and the Politics of Rights, Claims, and Recognition in Culturally Diverse Societies 121

Theoretical Snapshots 128

References 181

Index 209 
