トクヴィル読本<br>The Tocqueville Reader : A Life in Letters and Politics (Blackwell Readers)

The Tocqueville Reader : A Life in Letters and Politics (Blackwell Readers)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 358 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780631215455
  • DDC分類 320.092


Includes excerpts from all Tocqueville's major works, as well as letters and shorter writings; it contains 29 pieces never before translated into English.

Full Description

Alexis de Tocqueville was one of the most influential political thinkers of the 19th century, and yet this is the first comprehensive collection of his written work. Born to an aristocratic family, he was consumed by the notion of democracy and traveled widely throughout the world, mainly in America, to understand it. He is the celebrated writer of Democracy in America and The Old Regime and the Revolution, as well as important essays on such subjects as poverty, colonialism, and socialism. The Tocqueville Reader includes not only his major writing but also travel notes, letters, conversations with ministers and politicians, and diary entries not originally intended for the public. The book includes twenty-nine pieces never before translated into English, and a wide-ranging editorial introduction that gives an account of Tocqueville's life as a politician and inspirations as a writer. In this one-of-a-kind collection, students of American and European history and social thought, as well as general readers, will find a portrait of a fascinating personality and a giant of liberal thinking.


Introduction. Chronology. Part I: The Discovery of Democracy in America: Preliminary Note. Illustration: Map of the American Voyage. 1. Travel Letters: First Impressions of America and Important Sketches of Democracy in America, 1831. 2. Excerpts from American Notebooks: Tocqueville's Conversations with His American Informants; Travel Impressions on the Road. 3. Volume One of Democracy in America, 1835. Part II: Great Britain, France, and the United States: Preliminary Note. 4. Discovery of England, Poverty, Pauperism, and Social Policy, 1835-1837. 5. Ambitions, Marriage, and Tocqueville's Views of His Own Brand of Liberalism, 1833-1840. 6. Volume Two of Democracy in America. Part III: The Years in Politics: Preliminary Note. 7. Tocqueville's Political Philosophy. 8. Tocqueville the Colonialist. 9. Tocqueville in 1848. 10. Tocqueville Retires from Political Life and Returns to Writing. Part IV: The Return to The Old Regime and the Revolution: Preliminary Note. 11. The Old Regime and the Revolution Volume One. 12. The Old Regime and the Revolution Volume Two. 13. Last days. Suggestions for Further Reading. Note on Sources and Translations. About the Editors.