Relocating Postcolonialism


Relocating Postcolonialism

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 371 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780631208051
  • DDC分類 325.3


Publication delayed.

Full Description

Relocating Postcolonialism is a major new collection that challenges many of the assumptions and discursive maneuvers of postcolonialism and assesses its relationship to other academic disciplines and fields of inquiry.


List of Contributors vii

Preface ix

Acknowledgements x

Introduction: Scale and Sensibility xi
Ato Quayson and David Theo Goldberg

1 In Conversation with Neeladri Bhattacharya, Suvir Kaul and Ania Loomba 1
Edward Said

2 Speaking of Postcoloniality, in the Continuous Present: A Conversation 15
Homi Bhabha and John Comaroff

3 Resident Alien 47
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

4 Directions and Dead-ends in Postcolonial Studies 66
Benita Parry

5 Racial Rule 82
David Theo Goldberg

6 Racist Visions for the Twenty-first Century: On the Cultural Politics of the French Radical Right 103
Ann Laura Stoler

7 Breaking the Silence and a Break with the Past: African Oral Histories and the Transformations of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Southern Ghana 122
Anne Bailey

8 Forgotten Like a Bad Dream: Atlantic Slavery and the Ethics of Postcolonial Memory 143
Barnor Hesse

9 Connectivity, and the Fate of the Unconnected 174
Olu Oguibe

10 Towards ReConciliation: The Post-Colonial Economy of Giving 184

Pal Ahluwalia

11 The Economy of Ideas: Colonial Gift and Postcolonial Product 205

Zane Ma-Rhea

12 Looking Awry: Tropes of Disability in Postcolonial Writing 217
Ato Quayson

13 Theorizing Disability 231
Rosemarie Garland Thomson

14 Nature, History, and the Failure of Language: The Problem of the Human in Post-Apartheid South Africa 270
John K. Noyes

15 Passing as Korean American 282
Wendy Ann Lee

16 Myths of East and West: Intellectual Property Law in Postcolonial Hong Kong 294
Eve Darian-Smith

17 A Flexible Foundation: Constructing A Postcolonial Dialogue 320
Dawn Duncan

18 Linguists and Postcolonial Literature: Englishes in the Classroom 334
Laura Wright and Jonathan Hope

19 Post-Scriptum 349
François Vergès

Index 359
