Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health


Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 702 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780521818933
  • DDC分類 618

Full Description

This is the essential textbook for students of obstetrics and gynaecology as well as women's health more generally. Thoroughly modern in approach, it covers clinical topics and surgical procedures as well as providing detailed commentary on the contemporary social, psychological and economic issues that affect women's health. Many authors who are the acknowledged leaders in their respective research field have contributed succinct chapters. In this way both students and health professionals are able to benefit from their expertise in a lively and accessible text. It will be a valuable resource for health professionals, including general practitioners, nurses, physiotherapists and health workers. Specific sections address women's mental health, genetics, prescribing for women, health promotion, hormones throughout the life cycle, psychological and behavioural issues. The text is fully illustrated with many useful guides, tables, photographs and diagrams.


Part I. Women's Health: 1. Health professional role; 2. Women and health; 3. Behaviour and mental health; Part II. Early Life: 4. Hormones and early development; 5. The female child and adolescence; Part III. Reproductive Years: 6. Prepregnancy and antenatal; 7. Labour and childbirth; 8. The newborn infant and postnatal care; 9. Pregnancy problems; 10. Induction of labour, assisted delivery and postnatal problems; 11. Obstetric emergencies; 12. Sexual health; 13. Common concerns; Part IV. Middle Years: 14. Health promotion and disease prevention; 15. Common complaints; 16. Pre-cancer and cancer; Part V. Older Years: 17. Ageing and its problems; Part VI. Women and Illness: 18. Surgical, medical and research issues for women.