比較南アジア史 800-1830年 1:本島の統合<br>Strange Parallels: Volume 1, Integration on the Mainland : Southeast Asia in Global Context, c.800-1830 (Studies in Comparative World History)


比較南アジア史 800-1830年 1:本島の統合
Strange Parallels: Volume 1, Integration on the Mainland : Southeast Asia in Global Context, c.800-1830 (Studies in Comparative World History)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 510 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780521804967
  • DDC分類 959


Lieberman argues that over a thousand years each of mainland Southeast Asia's great lowland corridors experienced a pattern of accelerating integration punctuated by recurrent collapse.

Full Description

This ambitious work has two novel goals: to overcome the extreme fragmentation of early Southeast Asian historiography, and to connect Southeast Asian to world history. Combining careful local research with wide-ranging theory Lieberman argues that over a thousand years, each of mainland Southeast Asia's great lowland corridors experienced a pattern of accelerating integration punctuated by recurrent collapse. These trajectories were synchronized not only between corridors, but most curiously, between the mainland as a whole, much of Europe, and other sectors of Eurasia. He describes in detail the nature of mainland consolidation - which was simultaneously territorial, religious, ethnic, and commercial - and dissects the mix of endogenous and external factors responsible. Here, then, is a fundamentally original analysis not only of Southeast Asia, but of the pre-modern world.


1. Introduction: the ends of the earth: Part A. Rethinking Southeast Asia; Part B. Implications for Eurasia; 2. One basin, two poles: the western mainland and the formation of Burma; 3. A stable, maritime consolidation: the central mainland; 4. 'The least coherent territory in the world': Vietnam and the eastern mainland; Conclusion.