Unions, Employers, and Central Banks : Macroeconomic Coordination and Institutional Change in Social Market Economies (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)


Unions, Employers, and Central Banks : Macroeconomic Coordination and Institutional Change in Social Market Economies (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 356 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780521788847
  • DDC分類 339.50948

Full Description

This book focuses on some of the most important political-economic changes in advanced industrialized countries over the past two decades, namely, the sharp rise in unemployment in some countries and the growth of inequality in others. Using a variety of methodological approaches, the essays provide different pieces to this puzzle and explain how economic outcomes may be linked to macroeconomic policies and wage bargaining practices. Focusing on the experiences of northern European countries, the book also explores the intersection of partisan politics, the international economy, and nationally specific institutions.


1. Comparative political economy: Northern European perspective Torben Iversen and Jonas Pontusson; 2. Macroeconomic analysis and the political economy of unemployment David Soskice; Part I. Wage Bargaining: 3. The Swedish employer offensive against centralized bargaining Peter Swenson and Jonas Pontusson; 4. Post-war wage setting in the Nordic countries Michael Wallerstein and Miriam Golden; 5. Why German employers cannot bring themselves to dismantle the German model Kathleen Thelen; Part II. Macroeconomic Regimes: 6. Institutional dimensions of coordinating wage bargaining and monetary policy Robert Franzese and Peter Hall; 7. Decentralization, monetarism and the social democratic welfare state Torben Iversen; 8. The politics of macroeconomic policy and wage negotiations in Sweden Andrew Martin; Part III. Macroeconomic and Distributive Outcomes: 9. Public sector unions, corporatism and wage determination Geoffrey Garrett and Christopher Way; 10. Labor-market institutions and wage distribution Jonas Pontusson.
