Business Arabic, Advanced Level : Authentic Texts and Audiovisual Materials


Business Arabic, Advanced Level : Authentic Texts and Audiovisual Materials

  • 在庫がございません。海外の書籍取次会社を通じて出版社等からお取り寄せいたします。
    1. 納期遅延や、ご入手不能となる場合がございます。
    2. 複数冊ご注文の場合、分割発送となる場合がございます。
    3. 美品のご指定は承りかねます。
  • 【入荷遅延について】
  • ◆画像の表紙や帯等は実物とは異なる場合があります。
  • ◆ウェブストアでの洋書販売価格は、弊社店舗等での販売価格とは異なります。
  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 408 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780472085118
  • DDC分類 492.78242102

Full Description

This second volume in the series Business Arabic is intended for high-intermediate and advanced learners. It contains seven units that cover a wide variety of authentic materials, including commercial advertisements, business correspondence, banking documents and transactions, economic reports, contracts, and agreements. The cultural notes throughout the lessons give the learner an in-depth view of the value systems of Arabs at work. This useful information affords learners insight into the way many Arabs feel about their work, and prepares them to deal effectively with the differences in values within the workplace.
Students who successfully complete the volume will be able to understand commercials and business reports presented orally in Arabic, read and comprehend original Arabic business documents; communicate effectively during business discussions and contract negotiations; successfully handle a broad variety of business forms and documents; and understand and deal effectively with social customs and behavior involved in business in the Arab world.
Raji M. Rammuny is Professor of Arabic Studies, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan. He is the author of numerous books, including Advanced Standard Arabic through Authentic Texts and Audiovisual Materials, Parts 1 and 2, also published by the University of Michigan Press.