ヨーロッパのクラシック音楽年代史1751-1900年<br>Chronology of Western Classical Music, 1751-2000


Chronology of Western Classical Music, 1751-2000

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  • ページ数 800 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415938785
  • DDC分類 780.9


A complete chronology of classical music, covering the musically fruitful period 1751-1900. Entries are arranged by year and include historical highlights, art and literature highlights, births and deaths of pivotal composers, etc.

Full Description

This 2-volume reference work offers a complete chronology of classical music from the 18th-century through the end of the 20th. Organized by year, each entry gives: births of key musicians/composers, deaths, performing debuts, new positions, prizes/honors, bibliographical highlights, cultural beginnings, musical literature, and compositions. This work answers hundreds of common questions, from "Who wrote that piece?" to "When was it first performed"? A complete index is given in each volume, making finding information quick and easy. This book will strongly appeal to music students, professors, and lovers of classical music.


Historical Highlights Art and Literature Highlights A. Births Composers, Singers, Performers, Others B. Deaths Composers, Singers, Performers, Others C. Debuts Singers, Performers D. New Positions Conductors, Others E. Prizes/Honors F. Biographical Highlights G. Cultural Beginnings Performing Groups-Instrumental, Educational, Music Publishers, Performing Centers, Other H. Musical Literature I. Musical Compositions Chamber Music, Choral/Vocal Music, Orchestra/Band Music