アファーマティヴ・アクション論争(第2版)<br>The Affirmative Action Debate (2ND)

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The Affirmative Action Debate (2ND)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 256 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415938662
  • DDC分類 177.5


This updated collection provides an essential guide to contemporary debate of affirmative action, often attacked as 'positive discrimination'. It comprises nearly three decades of writing on the subject.

Full Description

This book is an essential guide to the full range of arguments surrounding affirmative action. Following the debate, as no other collection does, from all the early foundational articles to up-to-date selections, the book presents the strongest contributions from both sides of this highly charged issue. For students and general readers seeking to understand the controversy, this book offers a unique guide to the main lines of argument in the discussion.

The contributors include most of the major contributors to the debate: Anita L. Allen, Robert Amdur, Michael D;. Bayles, Tom L. Beauchamp, Barbara R. Bergmann, Derek Bok, William G. Bowen, Carl Cohen, J. L. Cowan, Ronald Dworkin, Robert K. Fullinwider, Alan H. Goldman, Sidney Hook, James W. Nickel, William A. Nunn III, George Sher, Robert Simon, Paul W. Taylor, Abigail Thernstrom, Stephen Thernstrom, Judith Jarvis Thomson, Celia Wolf-Devine, and Paul Woodruff.


Introduction: Steven M. Cahn I. INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, AND DISCRIMINATION 1. Discrimination and Morally Relevant Characteristics: James W. Nickel 2. Inverse Discrimination: J. L. Cowan 3. Reparations to Wronged Groups: Michael D. Bayles 4. Reverse Discrimination and Contemporary Justice: Paul W. Taylor 5. Reverse Discrimination: William A. Nunn III 6. Should Reparations Be to Individuals or to Groups?: James W. Nickel 7. Reparations to Individuals or Groups?: Alan H. Goldman 8. What's Wrong with Discrimination?: Paul Woodruff II. JUSTICE AND COMPENSATION 9. Preferential Hiring: Judith Jarvis Thomson 10. Preferential Hiring: A Reply to Judith Jarvis Thomson: Robert Simon 11. Justifying Reverse Discrimination in Employment: George Sher 12. Preferential Hiring and Compensation: Robert K. Fullinwider 13. Compensatory Justice: The Question of Costs: Robert Amdur III. THE BAKKE CASE 14. Who Are Equals?: Carl Cohen 15. Bakke's Case: Are Quotas Unfair?: Ronald Dworkin 16. What Did Bakke Really Decide?: Ronald Dworkin 17. Equality, Diversity, and Good Faith: Carl Cohen IV. DIVERSITY 18. In Defense of Affirmative Action: Barbara R. Bergmann 19. The Role Model Argument and Faculty Diversity: Anita L. Allen 20. Proportional Representation of Women and Minorities: Celia Wolf-Devine 21. The Meaning of Merit: William G. Bowen and Derek Bok 22. Does Your Merit Depend on Your Race?: A Rejoinder to Bowen and Bok: Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom 23. Diversity: George Sher V. PREFERENCE OR IMPARTIALITY? 24. In Favor of Affirmative Action: Tom L. Beauchamp 25. Reverse Discrimination: Sidney Hook About the Authors Bibliographical Note