Widening the Circle : Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Children


Widening the Circle : Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Children

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 336 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415935111
  • DDC分類 371.82997073


Recognizing the need for pedagogy that better serves American Indian students, Klug and Whitfield construct a pedagogical model that blends native and non-native worldviews and methods.

Full Description

Recognizing the need for a pedagogy that better serves American Indian students, Beverly J. Klug and Patricia T. Whitfield construct a pedagogical model that blends native and non-native worldviews and methods. Among the building blocks of this new, culturally relevant education are language-based approaches to literacy development, the use of oral histories to supplement traditional texts, and a re-evaluation of the knowledge base these students need for success in tribal enterprises.


Preface 1. Reaching All of Our Children 2. A Brief History of Indian Education 3. Legacies of Colonization 4. Language and Cultural Values: Defining Who We Are 5. American Indians and Their Cultures: Strong Educators Construct School Success for Children 6. Refusing to Believe in the Doctrine of Failure: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for American Indian Children 7. School Organization, Parent, and Community Involvement 8. Case Studies: The Meeting of Two Cultures 9. Ongoing Concerns in American Indian Education 10. Conclusions and Recommendations: Effective Schools for American Indian Children