Hypersingular Integral Equations and Their Applications


Hypersingular Integral Equations and Their Applications

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 416 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415309981
  • DDC分類 518.66

Full Description

A number of new methods for solving singular and hypersingular integral equations have emerged in recent years. This volume presents some of these new methods along with classical exact, approximate, and numerical methods. The authors explore the analysis of hypersingular integral equations based on the theory of pseudodifferential operators and consider one-, two- and multi-dimensional integral equations. The text also presents the discrete closed vortex frame method and some other numerical methods for solving hypersingular integral equations. The treatment includes applications to problems in areas such as aerodynamics, elasticity, diffraction, and heat and mass transfer.


A number of new methods for solving singular and hypersingular integral equations have emerged in recent years. This volume presents some of these new methods along with classical exact, approximate, and numerical methods. The authors explore the analysis of hypersingular integral equations based on the theory of pseudodifferential operators and consider one-, two- and multi-dimensional integral equations. The text also presents the discrete closed vortex frame method and some other numerical methods for solving hypersingular integral equations. The treatment includes applications to problems in areas such as aerodynamics, elasticity, diffraction, and heat and mass transfer.
