アンデルセン物語<br>Stories and Tales (Routledge Classics) (2ND)

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Stories and Tales (Routledge Classics) (2ND)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 416 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415285988
  • DDC分類 839.8136


With a forward by Hermann Hesse.

Full Description

A true classic of Western literature, Stories and Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, arguably the most notable children's writer of all, has delighted young and old for generations. This unique collection was first translated for George Routledge over 130 years ago. Completely reset, but preserving the original, beautiful illustrations by A.W. Bayes, engraved by the masters of Victorian book illustration, the Brothers Dalziel, this marvellous book will be treasured by young and old alike.


Hans Christian Andersen, Preface, The Tinder-Box, Little Claus and Great Claus, The Princess on the Pea, Little Ida's Flowers, Thumbelina, The Naughty Boy, The Travelling Companion, The Little Sea-Maid, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Goloshes of Fortune, The Daisy, The Hardy Tin Soldier, The Wild Swans, The Loveliest Rose in the World, The Garden of Paradise, A Great Grief, The Swan's Nest, Holger Danske, "It's Quite True!", The Flying Trunk, The Last Pearl, The Storks, The Metal Pig, Grandmother, The Ugly Duckling, A Picture from the Fortress Wall, The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweeper, The Money-Pig, The Red Shoes, The Wicked Prince, Children's Prattle, Ole Luk-Oie, The Story of a Mother, The Lovers, The Old Street Lamp, Two Brothers, The Bell, By the Almshouse Window, Little Tuk, The Darning-Needle, The Fir-Tree, A Rose from the Grave of Homer, The Swineherd, Elder-Tree Mother, Five Out of One Shell, The Snow Queen, The Flax, The Drop of Water, The Nightingale, The Jumper, The Elf-Hill, The Shirt-Collar, The Neighbouring Families, The Little Match-Girl, vi contents The Buck-Wheat, The Old House, The Happy Family, The Shadow, The Rose-Elf, The Angel, Twelve by the Mail, The Racers