Capitalism and Citizenship : The Impossible Partnership (Critical Realism: Interventions Routledge Critical Realism)


Capitalism and Citizenship : The Impossible Partnership (Critical Realism: Interventions Routledge Critical Realism)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 246 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415272742
  • DDC分類 323.6

Full Description

Can capitalism and citizenship co-exist? In recent years advocates of the Third Way have championed the idea of public-spirited capitalism as the antidote to the many problems confronting the modern world. This book develops a multi-disciplinary theory of citizenship, exploring the human abilities needed for its practice. It then argues that capitalism impedes the nurturing of these abilities. In advancing these arguments, Kathryn Dean draws on the work of a wide range of thinkers including Freud, Marx, Lacan, Habermas and Castells.


Part 1: Theoretical Foundations 1. Human Nature: Indeterminate and Indeterminable 2. Capitalism: Culture of Worldlessness Part 2: The Wordly World of the Bourgeois Subject 3. The Wordly World of Bourgeois Subject 4. Parenting and the Consitution of Bougeois Part 3: From Place to Space: the Death of Worldliness 5. The Institution of Commodity Fetishism 6. Abstract labour and the Network Society 7. Abstract Consumption and the Dissolution of the Ego 8. Abstract Knowledge: Disorganized Capitalism and the Vicissitudes of Science Conclusion: Citizenship and the Recovery of Worldliness
