社会的規範への社会認知的接近<br>A Sociocognitive Approach to Social Norms (Routledge Research International Series in Social Psychology)

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A Sociocognitive Approach to Social Norms (Routledge Research International Series in Social Psychology)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 278 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415257268
  • DDC分類 303.37

Full Description

Societies and groups attribute greater value to some behaviours and some judgments. These 'norms' are what is most important for understanding how behaviours and judgments are socially regulated. The approach presented examines in particular the social foundations of our judgments.


Jerald Jellison Foreword
Nicole Dubois Introduction: The Concept of Norm
1. Benoit Testé Conformity and Deviance
2. Daniel Gilibert and Laurent Cambon Paradigms of the Sociocognitive Approach
3. Stéphane Jouffre The Procedures of Measure: Questionnaires and Scales
4. Nicole Dubois, Florence Loose, Maria-Cristina Matteuci and Patrizia Selleri Sociocognitive Development: Acquisition of the Normativeness of Internality
5. Jean-Léon Beauvois Judgment Norms, Social Utility and Individualism
6. Valérie Le Floch and Alain Somat Norm of Internality, Social Utility of Internal Explanations and Cognitive Functioning
7. Jacques Py and Anne Ginet Knowledge of General Social Norms: Normative Clearsightedness
8. Cyril Tarquinio, Tamara Léonova, Philippe Robert and Gérard Guingouain Normativity and Evaluative Knowledge
9. Pascal Pansu, Pascal Bressoux and Claude Louche Theory of the Social Norm of Internality Applied to Education and Organizations
Nicole Dubois and Jean-Léon Beauvois Conclusion: Some Bases for a Sociocognitive Approach to Judgment Norms