英国労働党政権の教育政策<br>Taking Education Really Seriously : Four Years Hard Labour

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Taking Education Really Seriously : Four Years Hard Labour

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 272 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415252102
  • DDC分類 379.41


Looks at what the Labour Government has achieved in the last four years with its policy of 'education, education, education'.

Full Description

Michael Fielding looks at what the Labour Government has achieved in the last four years with its policy of 'education, education, education'.
There has been widespread disappointment in New Labour's education policies, which on the whole have not steered too far wide of those put in place by Margaret Thatcher, including issues of marketisation, testing and performativity. Michael Fielding has called on the key policy thinkers in education to offer their opinions on what has happened in education over the first three to four years of the New Labour Government.
Education policy is a controversial subject and with a General Election expected within the next few months, this book will be read widely by people within education, politicians and journalists and by others anxious to get to facts and avoid the spin. The subject matter and the presence of so many high profile educationalists make this an essential read.


1. Labour, Learning and the Economy: A 'Policy Sociology' Perspective: Stephen Ball; 2. High Expectations and Standards for All, No Matter What: Creating a World Class Education Service: Michael Barber; 3. Creative Society: Reuniting Schools & Lifelong Learning; 4. Will the Curriculum Caterpillar Ever Learn to Fly? Mike Davies and Gwyn Edwards; 5. Restructuring Educational Research for the 'Third Way': John Elliott and Paul Doherty; 6. Target Setting, Policy Pathology and Student Perspectives: Learning to Labour in New Times: Michael Fielding; 7. Taking Education Really Seriously: Four Years Hard Labour (Editorial): Michael Fielding; 8. The Two Solitudes: Policy Makers and Policy Implementers: Dean Fink; 9. Modernising Headteachers as Leaders: An Analysis of the NPQH: Helen Gunter; 10. 'Modernising' LEAs: A Changing Framework of Values: Valerie Hannon; 11. Revitalizing Educational Research: Past Lessons and Future Prospects: David Hargreaves; 12. Further Education Under New Labour: Translating the Language of Aspiration into a Springboard for Achievement: Ann Limb; 13, Renewed Hopes and Lost Opportunities: Early Childhood in the Early Years of the Labour Government: Peter Moss; 14. 'It Lifted My Sights': Re-valuing Higher Education in an Age of New Technology: Richard Smith and Paul Standish; 15. Managing the Myth of the Self-Managing School as an International Education Reform: John Smyth; 16. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: On Three Years' Labour Education Policy: James Tooley; 17. Reforming Teachers' Pay: Crossing the Threshold: Mel West; 18. The Impact of New Labour's Educational Policy on Primary Schools: Peter Woods, Bob Jeffrey and Geoff Troman