Contents: Voices of People/ The Context of Learning Disability Services/ Working with People/ Academia and Learning Disability - Two Debates.
Full Description
The detailed study of learning disability features rarely in university courses. To a large extent this reflects the low value attributed by our society and its human services to people with learning difficulties. This unusual book, based on one of those rare courses, includes contributions from academic specialists, students and people with learning difficulties, all of whom have participated in the course. Its 'social approach' challenges the very idea of what should be taught about the subject of learning disability and who should teach it.
Learning Disability - A Social Approach looks at how people's lives are affected by human services. It covers specific policy and service issues, different aspects of working with people and key debates. The unique insights gained from the combination of academic knowledge and real life experience make it a topical and thought-provoking text for anyone involved with learning disability - student, teacher, professional or policy maker.
Section I Voices of People 1. Attempts at a social approach to a degree course Section II The Context of Learning Disability Services 2. The historical context 3. Residential and day services for adults 4. Education services: why segregated special schools must close 5. Employment: an opportunity to belong? 6. Management and change 7. Evaluation of quality in learning disability services Section III Working with People 8. Friendships, relationships and issues of sexuality 9. Social inclusion and people with profound and multiple disabilities 10. Advocacy and parents with learning disabilities Section IV Academia and Learning Disability - Two Debates