The Values of Economics : An Aristotelian Perspective (Economics as Social Theory)


The Values of Economics : An Aristotelian Perspective (Economics as Social Theory)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 256 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415241823
  • DDC分類 330.01


In his Ethics, Aristotle argued that human beings try to further a variety of values by balancing them, stating that people try to find a middle road between excess and deficiency. The autor develops and applies the idea to the values of economics.

Full Description

In his Ethics, Aristotle argued that human beings try to further a variety of values by balancing them, stating that people try to find a middle road between excess and deficiency. The author develops and applies this idea to the values of economics, arguing that in the economy; freedom, justice and care are also balanced to further ends with scarce means. Freedom is furthered through market exchange, justice through a redistributive role of the state, and care through mutual gifts of labour and sharing of resources in the economy.
The book argues that economics is, and has always been, about human values, which guide, enable, constrain and change economic behaviour.


1. The Missing Ethical Capabilities of Rational Economic Man  2. Paradoxes of Value  3. Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite  4. Beyond the Highway of Modern Economics  5. Hypotheses on Economic Role Combination  6. Toward an Aristotelian Economics  7. Institutional Mediation Between Value Domains