女性とラジオ<br>Women and Radio : Airing Differences

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Women and Radio : Airing Differences

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 312 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415220712
  • DDC分類 384.54082

Full Description

Combining classic work on radio with innovative research, journalism and biography, Women and Radio offers a variety of approaches to understanding the position of women as producers, presenters and consumers as well as offering guidelines, advice and helpful information for women wanting to work in radio.
Women and Radio examines the relationship between radio audiences, technologies and programming and reveals and explains the inequalities experienced by women working in the industry.


Introduction: On a Woman's Wavelength?; 1: Gendered radio - hidden histories and the development of programming by and for women; 1: Introduction; 1: Speaking up: Voice Amplification and Women's Struggle for Public Expression; 2: Broadcasting a Life; 3: Hilda Matheson and the BBC, 1926-1940; 4: From Plauderei to Propaganda: On Women's Radio in Germany 1924-35; 5: Twin Peaks: The Staying Power of BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour; 6: Twisting the Dials: Lesbians on British Radio; 7: Women's Airwaves Survey; 8: Sisters are doing it ... From Fem FM to Viva! A History of Contemporary Women's Radio Stations in the UK; 2: Radio texts and audiences and the rise of feminist radio; 2: Introduction; 9: From 'Unruly Guest' to 'Good Companion': The Gendered Meanings of Early Radio in the Home; 10: Mother's Little Helper: Programmes, Personalities and the Working Day; 11: Justifying Injustice: Broadcasters' Accounts of Inequality in Radio; 12: Gender, Fantasy and Radio Consumption: An Ethnographic Case Study; 13: Galway's Pirate Women; 14: Limited Talk; 15: On Air/Off Air: Defining Women's Radio Space in European Women's Community Radio; 3: Women working in radio; 3: Introduction; 16: Getting in and Getting on: Women and Radio Management at the BBC; 17: The Long Goodbye; 18: The Nature of Glass: Participation of Women in the Irish Independent Radio Industry; 19: The Last Bastion: How Women Become Music Presenters in UK Radio; 20: Women in Radio News: Making a Difference?; 21: Sound Advice for Women who want to Work in Radio; 4: Contacts and resources