A History of the Ptolemaic Empire

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A History of the Ptolemaic Empire

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 416 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415201452
  • DDC分類 932.021


Transl. by Tina Saavedra.

Full Description

This compelling narrative provides the only comprehensive guide in English to the rise and decline of Ptolemaic rule in Egypt over three centuries - from the death of Alexander in 323 BC to the tragic deaths of Antony and Cleopatra in 30 BC.
The skilful integration of material from a vast array of sources allows the reader to trace the political and religious development of one of the most powerful empires of the ancient eastern Mediterranean. It shows how the success of the Ptolemies was due in part to their adoption of many features of the Egyptian Pharaohs who preceded them - their deification and funding of cults and temples throughout Egypt.


List of illustrations, Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgements, List of abbreviations and references, Introduction, PART I: The beginning and the golden age of Ptolemaic rule, 1. Alexander the Great and Ptolemy I Soter (332-282), 2. The empire under the second and third Ptolemies (282-222), 3. Royal ideology and religious policy from Alexander the Great to Ptolemy III, PART II: Change and decline of the Hellenistic state of the Ptolomies, 4. Foreign policy and dynastic history from Ptolemy IV to the 'Day of Eleusis' (221-168), 5. Domestic resistance and the Pharaonic state in Thebes (206-186), 6. The sacred kingship from Ptolemy IV until the early years of Ptolemy VI, PART III: The Ptolemic kingdom under the shadow of Roman power, 7. History of the kingdom and dynasty from the withdrawal of Antiochos IV to the interlude of Ptolemy XI (168-80), 8. The final period: Egypt in the political designs of Roman leaders (80-30), 9. Religious culture and divine kingship from Ptolemy VI to Cleopatra VII, Epilogue, Biographical Supplement, Appendix, Index, Maps
