Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England (Access to History)

Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England (Access to History)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 144 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780340781432
  • DDC分類 941.05

Full Description

Ensure your students have access to the authoritative and in-depth content of this popular and trusted A Level History series. For over twenty years Access to History has been providing students with reliable, engaging and accessible content on a wide range of topics. Each title in the series provides comprehensive coverage of different history topics on current AS and A2 level history specifications, alongside exam-style practice questions and tips to help students achieve their best. The series: - Ensures students gain a good understanding of the AS and A2 level history topics through an engaging, in-depth and up-to-date narrative, presented in an accessible way. - Aids revision of the key A level history topics and themes through frequent summary diagrams - Gives support with assessment, both through the books providing exam-style questions and tips for AQA, Edexcel and OCR A level history specifications and through FREE model answers with supporting commentary at Access to History online (www.accesstohistory.co.uk) Disorder and Rebellion in Tudor England This title adopts a thematic approach in comparing all of the major rebellions in Tudor England, and examines the causes and consequences of each rebellion. The coercive power of the state is a constant theme throughout the book and the author explores why these rebellions occurred and their impact on the Tudor regime.


1. Introduction 2. Securing the dynasty: The reign of Henry VII 3. Henry VIII: the powerful monarch 4. Class warfare and anarchy: the reign of Edward VI 5. Mary Tudor and the struggle for the throne 6. Elizabeth I and the defeat of rebellion 7. Conclusion