ヴァージニア・ウルフのテクストの編集:モダニズム文学の解釈<br>Editing Virginia Woolf : Interpreting the Modernist Text


Editing Virginia Woolf : Interpreting the Modernist Text

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 256 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780333770450
  • DDC分類 823.912


Covers a wide range of editorial confrontations with Virginia Woolf's writings, touching on almost every genre in which she wrote: fiction, diary, letter, biography.

Full Description

This volume covers a wide range of editorial confrontations with Virginia Woolf's writings, touching on almost every genre in which she wrote: fiction, diary, letter, biography. It describes a variety of editorial practices and deals with current theories informing the critical editing of the prose of this singular twentieth-century woman writer. This collections of essays by distinguished scholar-critics of Virginia Woof confronts a number of contemporary issues in critical editing: the use of pre-print materials, authorial revision, the collation of historical texts; and it engages in a lively discussion of the present-day editorial apparatus, tackling questions on annotation and paratext. The volume is essential reading for anyone seriously interested in the critical editing of Modernist writing or in the ways in which Woolf's canon has been and is being preserved for her present and future readers.


List of Figures Acknowledgements Notes on the Contributors List of Works Commonly Cited Introduction: Editing and Interpreting the Texts of Virginia Woolf; J.H.Stape & J.M.Haule Editing Virginia Woolf's Diary; A.O.Bell The Editor as Ethicist; J.T.Banks The Writing of A Room of One's Own ; S.P.Rosenbaum 'Women Must Weep': the Serialization of Three Guineas ; N.Black The Texture of the Text: Editing Roger Fry: A Biography ; D.F.Gillespie A Book she Never Made: Editing The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf ; S.Dick Text and Counter Text: Trying to Recover Mrs Dalloway ; M.Beja The Alfa and the Avant-texte : Transcribing the Jacob's Room Manuscript; E.Bishop The Changing Shape(s) of Orlando and the Myth of Authorial Control; J.H. Stape Version and Intention in the Novels of Virginia Woolf; J.M.Haule Notes Bibliography of Works Cited Index
