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Full Description
Combining the best of traditional and modern approaches to macroeconomics, Farmer is the first book in the Intermediate market to genuinely fill the gap between the macroeconomics taught to graduate students and the macroeconomics taught to undergraduates. It begins with the traditional IS-LM and AD-AS models that have been the staples of undergraduate macro courses for decades, and then the second half of the book introduces newer, dynamic theories of macroeconomics, including various growth models. The result is a text that describes the emerging consensus view of macro.
PART AMeasuring the Economy. 3. Macroeconomic Facts. PART B: THE CLASSICAL APPROACH TO AGGREGATE DEMAND AND SUPPLY. 4. The Theory of Aggregate Supply. 5. Aggregat Demand and the Classical Theory of the Price Level. 6. Saving and Unemployment. 8. The New-Keynsian Theory of Aggregate Supply. 9. The Demand for Money and the LM Curve. 10. The Supply of Money. 11. The IS Curve. 12. The IS-LM Model and Aggregate Demand. 13. The Open Economy. PART D: DYNAMIC MACROECONOMICS. 14. The Government Budget. 15. Neoclassical Growth Theory 16. Endogenous Growth Theory. 17. Unemployment, Inflation, and Growth. 18. Expectations and Macroeconomics. 19. What We Know and What We Don't. Appendix. Glossary. Index.