Troubleshooting Microsoft Technologies : The Ultimate Administrator's Repair Manual (PAP/CDR)

Troubleshooting Microsoft Technologies : The Ultimate Administrator's Repair Manual (PAP/CDR)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 512 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780321133458
  • DDC分類 005.16

Full Description

Countless books have been devoted to hardware troubleshooting, while software troubleshooting has been nearly completely ingnored. Ask any system administrator or help desk support technician where they could use help, and the answer is almost always "troubleshooting." Administrators continually struggle to resolve problems with technologies such as Active Directory, WINS, DHCP, and DNS. This book shows how, with the right methodology, you can systematically analyze and repair problems affecting an individual computer or an entire network. The author not only provides answers to some of the most puzzling Microsoft computer problems, but also presents the answers in the context of the troubleshooting methodology most highly regarded in the computer industry. Wolf covers both Microsoft and third party troubleshooting tools. Whether you are an end user looking to exert a new level of problem solving independence, or an experienced help desk analyst or systems administrator, this book will be an invaluable tool for repairing glitches on all the computers you manage.


Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Fundamental Networking. 3. Troubleshooting Techniques. 4. Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools. 5. Client-Server Troubleshooting. 6. Office XP. 7. Disk Subsystems. 8. DNS. 9. WINS. 10. DHCP. 11. Network and Application Services. 11. Routing and Remote Access. 13. Active Directory. Appendix A. Command Line Troubleshooting Tool Reference. Appendix B. Common Error Codes. Appendix C. Third Party Tools. Index. 0321133455T03032003
