Voices from the Margins : An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction on Disabilities and Differences for Young People


Voices from the Margins : An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction on Disabilities and Differences for Young People

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 176 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780313317989
  • DDC分類 016.823

Full Description

Young people who feel marginalized due to physical differences or disabilities may benefit from discovering fictional characters who face similar difficulties. This unique bibliography surveys the field of children's and young adult literature published since 1990, identifying 200 quality books that deal with a wide range of contemporary health and self-image topics.

Coverage includes physical handicaps, Autism, burns, scars, and disfigurement, obesity and anorexia, speech disorders, skin color, and basic issues of popularity and fitting in. The literature covered here includes picture books, chapter books for middle school readers, and young adult novels spanning different genres, such as mysteries, historical fiction, and poetry. Annotations provide brief plot synopses, full bibliographic information, publishers' age-level suggestions, and subject key words. This resource is perfect for obtaining information about authors, titles, and age levels of books on particular subjects, or to determine the subject of a particular book. Four indexes-Title, Author, Subject, and Age Level-facilitate easy reference for all users and readers.


An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction on Disabilities and Differences for Young People
Title Index
Author Index
Subject Index
Age-Level Index