Eye Contact : Modern American Portrait Drawings from the National Portrait Gallery

Eye Contact : Modern American Portrait Drawings from the National Portrait Gallery

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 304 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780295982670
  • DDC分類 743.420973074753

Full Description

Fifty graphic masterpieces representing the American artistic tradition from 1880 to the present day are showcased in "Eye Contact". Reproduced as full-page color images, they range from portraits of Theodore Roosevelt by Charles Dana Gibson and W. C. Fields by Thomas Hart Benton, to Robert F. Kennedy by Roy Lichtenstein, and self-portraits by artists Mary Cassatt, Edward Hopper, Joseph Stella, and Jacob Lawrence. Among the other subjects of portraits are Alice B. Toklas, Paul Robeson, Igor Stravinsky, and James Baldwin. Essays discuss the nature and change of portrait drawings in the twentieth century and the external cultural changes that influenced artists' conceptualization of the figure. Wendy Wick Reaves is curator of prints and drawings at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. Bernard F. Reilly Jr. is former director of research and access at the Chicago Historical Society.


Eye contact - the tradition of 20th-century portraiture; varieties of evasion in a century of publicity; catalogue, Mary Cassatt, John Twachtman, Theodore Roosevelt, Everett Shinn, Edward Hopper, John Barrymore, Paul Haviland, Henry James, Agnes Meyer, Thornton Wilder, Ring Lardner, Edna St Vincent Millay, Hart Crane, Eva Le Gallienne, Ralph Barton, Countee Cullen, Leo Stein, Alice B. Toklas, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zelda Fitzgerald, Stuart Davis or Wyatt Davis, Paul Robeson, Theodore Roszak, Fritz Kreisler, John Steinbeck, Frances Perkins, Oliver Hardy, Van Wyck Brooks, W.C. Fields, Victor Hammer, Milton Avery, Bill ("Bojangles") Robinson, Joseph Stella, Beauford Delaney, John Marin, Igor Stravinsky, J. Robert Oppenheimer, James Baldwin, Truman Capote, Lincoln Kirstein, Ornette Coleman, Jacob Lawrence, Stokely Carmichael, Harold Rosenberg, Robert F. Kennedy, Rico Lebrun, Christopher Isherwood, Andy Warhol, Jamie Wyeth, Mark Strand.