情報システムと組織の多様性<br>Information Systems and Global Diversity


Information Systems and Global Diversity

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 280 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780199240777
  • DDC分類 303.4834


This book studies the intertwined processes of information systems implementation and organizational change in diverse organizational settings.

Full Description

It is often assumed that the impact and implementation of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) will or should be the same in all situations with little regard to the particular social or cultural context. Drawing on experience and research in different societies (Europe, Latin America, etc.), this book explains the nature of organizational diversity in which ICT innovation takes place, and also develops a conceptual approach to account for it.

The book draws from institutionalist concepts of organizations, the sociology of technology, current debates on globalization, and critiques of the rationality of modernity. The theoretical perspective is supported empirically by four international case studies. The author shows how the processes of ICT innovation and organizational change reflect local aspirations, concerns, and action, as well as the multiple institutional influences of globalization.


Introduction ; PART I:THEORY ; 1. The Institutional Nature of ICT and Organizational Change ; 2. The Socio-technical Nature of Information Systems Innovation ; 3. Multiple Situated Rationalities ; 4. The Global, the Local, and the Disembedded ; PART II: INSIGHTS FROM CASE STUDIES ; 5. Pemex-Transforming a National Company ; 6. IKA-Striving to Modernize a State Bureaucracy ; 7. An Experiment of Flexible Specialization in Cyprus ; 8. Medical Drug Utilization Information Systems in the United States and Europe ; 9. The Nature and Significance of Global Diversity for Information Systems ; Appendix
