Myotonic Dystrophy (3RD)


Myotonic Dystrophy (3RD)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 128 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780198525868
  • DDC分類 616.748

Full Description

Myotonic dystrophy is part of the group of muscular dystrophies. It is the commonest inherited muscular dystrophy and has a profound effect on individuals who are diagnosed with the disease and their families. It is present for many decades of a patient's life and has many attendant implications. Unlike the other dystrophies, it also affects other organs in the body, making this a very distinctive disorder, and a very troubling one for those close to it. This is the first book to be written for sufferers of this disorder. Written by the world authority on Myotonic dystrophy, Peter Harper, the book covers a wide range of aspects of the disease, explaining in simple terms exactly what the condition is, what the symptoms are and how they can or might develop. Self education is encouraged and this book gives anyone interested the tools with which to find out more and empower themselves by taking an active role in their own treatment. Most importantly it carries the message that there is hope, something can be done, even if there is, as yet, no actual cure. Anyone affected by this disorder will find this book a great source of hope and strength.


Preface; 1. What is myotonic dystrophy; 2. Muscle symptoms and myotonic dystrophy; 3. Looking ahead; 4. Not just a muscle disease; 5. Children with myotonic dystrophy; 6. Family aspects and genetic risks; 7. Advances in research; 8. Support and information; 9. Management and treatment now; 10. Future hopes and plans for therapy; Further reading and information