ギリシアにおける運動競技とエロース<br>Eros and Greek Athletics


Eros and Greek Athletics

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 468 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780195149852
  • DDC分類 796.0938


Scanlon's comprehensive overview of Greek athletics explores when and how athletics was linked with religion, upbringing, gender, sexuality, and social values in an evolution from Homer until the Roman period.

Full Description

Greek athletics offers a clear window on many important aspects of ancient culture. Thomas F. Scanlon's comprehensive overview of Greek athletics explores when and how athletics was linked with religion, upbringing, gender, sexuality, and social values in an evolution from Homer until the Roman period. It presents original findings of importance to all those interested in ancient and modern sports, religion, gender studies, sexuality, and cultural studies generally.


1. Introduction ; 2. Greek Athletics and Religion ; 3. The Ecumenical Olympics: The Games in the Roman Era ; 4. Athletics, Initiation, and Pederasty ; 5. Racing for Hera: A Girls' Contest at Olympia ; 6. "Only We Produce Men": Spartan Female Athletics and Eugenics ; 7. Race or Chase of "the Bears" at Brauron? ; 8. Atalanta and Athletic Myths of Gender ; 9. Eros and Greek Athletics ; 10. Drama, Death, and Desire in Athletic Performance ; 11. Conclusions