Full Description
For K-12 courses in Classroom Management and Discipline as well as General Methods courses. Integrating classroom management, law, and multicultural issues, this text covers a broad range of topics essential to the creation of calm, safe, and productive classrooms for all learners. The author addresses the full range of ethical, and cultural issues, and sets classroom management within a legal and democratic framework that considers the impact of compulsory education, the mandate of the Fourteenth Amendment, the diversity of today's classrooms, and the effect of dynamic social interactions on the day-to-day environment. She stresses that effective classroom management cannot be a series of "techniques," but rather must be a careful and conscientious effort to serve all students.
1. Many Students, Many Cultures: Managing Democratically. 2. Understanding the Role of Law in CM. 3. Creating and Revisiting Classroom Rules. 4. The Nature of and Struggle for Power. 5. Democratic Consequences. 6. Those We See and Those We Do Not See: Understanding the Issues of Highly Visible Students and Invisible Students. 7. The Art of Equitable Assessment. 8. Creating the Democratic Classroom: A Holistic Perspective. 9. Creating a Welcoming Climate for Parents. Conclusion. References. Author Index. Subject Index.