History and Historians : A Historiographical Introduction -- Paperback (5 Rev ed)

History and Historians : A Historiographical Introduction -- Paperback (5 Rev ed)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版
  • 商品コード 9780130448248

Full Description

For undergraduate courses in Philosophy of History and Historiography. Ideal supplemental text for American History or Western Civilization or similar survey courses.As a survey of historical thinking in the West from ancient times to the present, this accessible text focuses on historiography, philosophy of history, and historical methodology, introducing the main issues to beginning students with thorough and balanced discussions.


1. Aims and Purposes. 2. The Beginnings of Historical Consciousness. 3. Historical Consciousness in the Modern Age. 4. Philosophy of History: Speculative Approaches. 5. Philosophy of History: Analytical Approaches. 6. Reading, Writing, and Research. 7. Professional History in Recent Times. Postscript: Culture Wars and Postmodernism.
