電力エレクトロニクスにおける制御<br>Control in Power Electronics : Selected Problems (Academic Press Series in Engineering)

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Control in Power Electronics : Selected Problems (Academic Press Series in Engineering)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 544 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780124027725
  • DDC分類 621.317

Full Description

The authors were originally brought together to share research and applications through the international Danfoss Professor Programme at Aalborg University in Denmark.

Personal computers would be unwieldy and inefficient without power electronic dc supplies. Portable communication devices and computers would also be impractical. High-performance lighting systems, motor controls, and a wide range of industrial controls depend on power electronics. In the near future we can expect strong growth in automotive applications, dc power supplies for communication systems, portable applications, and high-end converters. We are approaching a time when all electrical energy will be processed and controlled through power electronics somewhere in the path from generation to end use.


Part I: PWM Converters: Topologies and Control
1. Power Electronic Converters
2. Resonant dc Link Converters
3. Fundamentals of the Matrix Converter Technology
4. Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Three-Phase Voltage Source Converters

Part II: Motor Control
5. Control of PWM Inverter-Fed Induction Motors
6. Energy Optimal Control of Induction Motor Drives;
7. Comparison of Torque Control Strategies Based on the Constant Power Loss Control System for PMSM
8. Modeling and Control of Synchronous Reluctance Machines
9. Direct Torque and Flux Control (DTFC) of ac Drives
10. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Control in Power Electronics

Part III: Utilities Interface and Wind Turbine Systems
11. Control of Three-Phase PWM Rectifiers
12. Power Quality and Adjustable Speed Drives
13. Wind Turbine Systems