Full Description
"Human Geography, 7/e" is a non-major's introduction to human and cultural geography that focuses on culture, society, and human activity from a geographic perspective. The text is also designed for majors taking their first course in human geography. Fellmann provides a thorough, classic, up-to-date, and balanced approach to this broad range of topics. Among the most distinctive and important features of the text is its thorough and well-integrated coverage of gender roles in society and culture.
1 Introduction: Some Background BasicsI Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography2 Roots and Meaning of Culture3 Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior4 Population: World Patterns, Regional TrendsII Patterns of Diversity and Unity5 Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture6 Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity7 Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and UniformityIII Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy8 Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities9 Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar10 Patterns of Development and ChangeIV Landscapes of Functional Organization11 Urban Systems and Urban Structures12 The Political Ordering of SpaceV Human Actions and Environmental Impact13 Human Impacts on Natural Systems