Modern Competitive Strategy


Modern Competitive Strategy

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 312 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780072345636
  • DDC分類 658.4012

Full Description

"Modern Competitive Strategy", by Gordon Walker, provides a highly readable, broad synthesis of the theory and empirics of the strategy field and organizes this material pedagogically for a core strategy course. The approach is eclectic, reflecting the diversity of the discipline. The book draws on studies in industrial and institutional economics, economic and organizational sociology, mainstream strategy, and finance and marketing when appropriate. Both single business and multi-business topics are covered. Many short cases and company examples are used to illustrate the concepts. The material is appropriate for either a full semester course or a single module in MBA programs, advanced undergraduate courses, MBA and executive education classes.


Part One: Introduction1. What is Strategy?Part Two: Building Competitive Advantage2. Competitive Advantage 3. Industry Analysis4. Competing Over Time: Industry and Firm Evolution5. Strategy ExecutionPart Three: Managing the Boundaries of the Firm6. Vertical Integration and Outsourcing7. PartneringPart Four: Expanding the Scope of the Firm8. Competing in Global Markets9. New Business Development10. Managing the Multibusiness FirmPart Five: Governing the Firm11. Corporate Governance12. Strategic Planning and Decision Making
