Mcgraw-hill's Tabe : Test of Adult Basic Education, Level a : the First Step to Lifelong Success (1ST)

Mcgraw-hill's Tabe : Test of Adult Basic Education, Level a : the First Step to Lifelong Success (1ST)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 367 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780071405614
  • DDC分類 371.260973

Full Description

Ready to take the TABE? Learn how to learn With McGraw-Hill's "TABEof Adult Basic Education" by your side. Congratulations! You've taken the first step towards improving your life! By enrolling for the TABE tests, you have decided to reach for your next learning and career goals and improve your quality of life, for yourself, or for your family. With "TABE: Test of Adult Basic Education, The First Step to Lifelong Success" as your guide, you'll discover how to target and master the skills you need to succeed not only on the TABE tests but also in future situations as a lifelong learner.Written by three leaders in adult education, "TABE: Test of Adult Basic Education" is specifically designed to help you identify your goals, learn more about your unique learning style, and discover which strategies make learning and test taking easier for you. You'll learn basic reading, writing, and math skills through familiar, everyday items, such as work documents, help wanted ads, letters, and telephone messages.Packed with comprehensive and easily accessible instruction, test previews, and study skills material, this helpful guide contains: Charts and tables; Practice exercises with fully explained answers; Pretests, posttests, and skills analysis charts; Reading passages taken from real-life experiences; And much more to help you learn how to succeed on tests and in life! Whether you're taking the TABE tests to further your education or your career, or both, "TABE: Test of Adult Basic Education" will help you realize your goals and your dreams.


Section 1. Work Smarter, NOT Harder Lesson 1Lesson 2: Analyze Yourself as a Learner Lesson 3: Put it to Work - Here's How Section 2. Reading Lesson 1. The Challenge Lesson 2. First Steps Lesson 3. Making Choices Lesson 4. Getting Information Lesson 5. A Continuing Search Lesson 6. Back to School Section 3. Mathematics Lesson 1. Time for a Change Lesson 2. Common Sense to Number Sense Lesson 3. Our Second Language Lesson 4. Geometry Lesson 5. That's Just Part of It Lesson 6. Measure It Lesson 7. The Other Side of Zero Lesson 8. The Value of Logic Section 4. Language Lesson 1. Surprises Lesson 2. Write it Right Lesson 3. The Good News and the Bad News Lesson 4. Speak Up! Lesson 5. Punctuation Lesson 6. Constructing Sentences and Paragraphs Section 5. Spelling Posttests
