Safe Air Travel Companion

Safe Air Travel Companion

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780071399180
  • DDC分類 363.2876

Full Description

Recent events have forced everyone to be more aware of safety during airline flights. But being aware isn't enough . . . there are dozens of easy-to-follow practical actions you as a passenger should follow in order to minimize your risk -- and perhaps save your life -- in the event of a hijacking or other terrorist activity. In Safe Air Travel Companion, Dan McKinnon, an expert in commercial travel and survival, calmly, clearly, and rationally spells them out. In this one-of-a-kind resource, learn smart travel strategies for business and personal travel for yourself as well as your family.


IntroductionWhy TerrorismPutting Hijacking in PerspectiveWhat the Government is Doing to Protect YouWhat the Airlines Are Doing to Protect YouWhat You Can Do to Protect YourselfGuns in the CockpitAirport SecurityPreparing for Your International TripOverseas TravelingHow to Behave in a "traditional" HijackingWhat to Do in a Rescue AttemptIf You Are Released Ahead of Other HostagesAfter It's OverTravel Agent Efforts and ConcernsLiving in a Foreign LandNER(01): WOW