Water and Wastewater Calculations Manual

Water and Wastewater Calculations Manual

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 854 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780071371957
  • DDC分類 628.10151

Full Description

Adapted from the Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations, Water and Waste Water Calculations Manual is designed as a quick-reference resource for solving most of the mathematical problems encountered by professionals specializing in water and wastewater. Calculations methods for all areas water and waste water are represented and practical solutions are provided. Water and Waste Water Calculations Manual includes such topics as conversion factors, calculations for flows in aquifers, pumping, stream sanitation, techniques for classification of lake water quality, hydraulics for environmental engineers pipe networks for water supply distribution and fundamental concepts of water flow in pipes, weirs, orifices and open channels.


Chapter 13: Groundwater. Chapter 4: Fundamental and Treatment Plant Hydraulics. Chapter 5: Public Water Supply. Chapter 6: Wastewater Engineering. Appendix A: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's Macroinvertebrate Tolerance List. Appendix B: Well Function for Confined Aquifers. Appendix C: Solubility Product Constants for Solution at or near Room Temperature. Appendix D: Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm Constants for Toxic Organic Compounds. Appendix E: Factors for Conversion.NER(01): WOW
