Principles of Biochemistry with a Human Focus : With a Human Focus

Principles of Biochemistry with a Human Focus : With a Human Focus

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780030973697
  • DDC分類 572

Full Description

PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMISTRY WITH A HUMAN FOCUS provides pre-med, junior, and senior science majors the most up-to-date coverage of biochemistry and a distinct focus on the topics most relevant to human health and medicine. Written by a chemist (Grisham) and a biologist (Garrett), the book presents the principles governing structure, function, and interactions of biological molecules.


PART I1. Chemistry is the Logic of Biological Phenomena.2. Water: The Medium of Life.3. Thermodynamics of Biological Systems.4. Amino Acids and Polypeptides.5. Proteins: Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Structure.6. Lipids, Membranes, and Transport.7. Carbohydrates and Cell Surfaces.8. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids.9. Recombinant DNA: Cloning and Creation of Chimeric Genes.PART II: PROTEIN DYNAMICS.10. Enzymes: Their Kinetics, Specificity, and Regulation.11. Mechanisms of Enzyme Action.12. Proteins of the Blood.13. Molecular Motors.PART III: METABOLISM AND ITS REGULATION.14. The Organization of Metabolism.15. Glycolysis.16. The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle.17. Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation.18. Photosynthesis.19. Gluconeogenesis, Glycogen Metabolism, and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway.20. Lipid Metabolism.21. Amino Acid and Nucleotide Metabolism.22. Metabolic Integration and Organ Specialization.PART IV: INFORMATION TRANSFER.23. DNA: Replication, Recombination, and Repair.24. Transcription and the Regulation of Gene Expression.25. Protein Synthesis and Degradation.26. Signal Transduction: The Relay of Metabolic and Environmental Information.