Digital Literacies (Research and Resources in Language Teaching)

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Digital Literacies (Research and Resources in Language Teaching)

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  • 製本 Paperback:紙装版/ペーパーバック版/ページ数 400 p.
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9781408296899
  • DDC分類 428.24

Full Description

Dramatic shifts in our communication landscape have made it crucial for language teaching to go beyond print literacy and encompass the digital literacies which are increasingly central to learners' personal, social, educational and professional lives. By situating these digital literacies within a clear theoretical framework, this book provides educators and students alike with not just the background for a deeper understanding of these key 21st-century skills, but also the rationale for integrating these skills into classroom practice. This is the first methodology book to address not just why but also how to teach digital literacies in the English language classroom. This book provides:

A theoretical framework through which to categorise and prioritise digital literacies
Practical classroom activities to help learners and teachers develop digital literacies in tandem with key language skills
A thorough analysis of the pedagogical implications of developing digital literacies in teaching practice
A consideration of exactly how to integrate digital literacies into the English language syllabus
Suggestions for teachers on how to continue their own professional development through PLNs (Personal Learning Networks), and how to access teacher development opportunities online

This book is ideal for English language teachers and learners of all age groups and levels, academics and students researching digital literacies, and anyone looking to expand their understanding of digital literacies within a teaching framework.


Table of Contents Acknowledgements 1 From Research to Implications: A framework of digital literacies Box 1.1 What hardware and software do I need? First focus: Language Box 1.2 Am I teaching digital natives? Box 1.3 Does Facebook belong in my classroom? Box 1.4 Does the digital divide still matter? Second focus: Information Box 1.5 What are the alternatives to Google? Box 1.6 Can we trust Wikipedia? Box 1.7 Is there too much or too little information? Box 1.8 Does multitasking work? Third focus: Connections Box 1.9 How can we promote digital safety and privacy? Box 1.10 When, where & why should my students build PLNs (and PLEs)? Box 1.11 Do I need to worry about censorship & surveillance? Fourth focus: (Re-)design Box 1.12 How do I deal with copyright & plagiarism? Looking ahead Box 1.13 What do new technologies mean for people & the planet? 2. From Implications to Application Box 2.1 Will new technologies improve my students' learning? The TPACK framework for integrating technology use Box 2.2 Should I be worried about teaching with new technologies?