中世ユダヤ文明百科事典<br>Medieval Jewish Civilization : An Encyclopedia (Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages)

Medieval Jewish Civilization : An Encyclopedia (Routledge Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版/ページ数 752 p. illus./サイズ 50 line drawings
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780415937122
  • DDC分類 909.04924


158 alphabetically organized entries written by scholars from around the world, deal with biographies, countries, events (Expulsion, Black Death), social history (women, gambling), and religious concepts (conversion, mysticism).

Full Description

This is the first encyclopedic work to focus exclusively on medieval Jewish civilization, from the fall of the Roman Empire to about 1492. The more than 150 alphabetically organized entries, written by scholars from around the world, include biographies, countries, events, social history, and religious concepts. The coverage is international, presenting people, culture, and events from various countries in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. For a full list of entries and contributors, a generous selection of sample entries, and more, visit the Medieval Jewish Civilization: An Encyclopedia website.


Abelard; Aboab; Abraham bar Hayya; Abravanel family; Abulafia family; Agriculture; Albigensians and Jews; Alexandria; Alfonso X; Almohads; Almoravids; Ambassadors, Jews as; Andalucia; Aquinas; AragonCatalonia; Arms, Jews and; Art; Art, Jews in; Asher b. Yehiel; Austria; Avignon; Badge; Banking Italy; Banking Muslim and Europe; Barcelona disk; Benedict XIII; Benjamin of Tudela; Bernard of Clairvaux; Bible, Manuscripts, Printed Editions; Bible Commentaries, Jewish; Bible Translations, Jewish; Black Death; Blood libel; Burgundy; Byzantium; Canon Law, Jews in; Capital Punishment; Cartography, geography; Castile; Champagne; Charles IV; Charity; Christian Jewish Relations; Chronicles; Church and Jews; Cologne; Clothing; Commerce; Conversion by Jews; Conversion to Judaism; Crispin, Gilbert; Crusades; Dina deMalkhuta Dina; Disputations; Dominicans and Franciscans; Education; Egypt; Eldad haDaniy; Emicho; England; Excommunication by Christian authority; Expulsion France; Expulsion, Spain; Expulsions, Other Lands; Fernando and Isabel; Folklore; Food; Frankfurt; Frederick II; French Law, Jews in; Fustat; Genizah; Geonim; Germany, Jews in; German Law; Gershom b. Judah; Gerundi, Jonah; Hasidism Germany; Hebrew grammar; Hebrew language; Herem hayishuv; Heretic, Jew as; Host Desecration; Ibn Adret; Ibn Aknin; Ibn Ezra, Abraham; Ibn Ezra(h), Moses; Ibn Gabirol; Ibn Naghrillah; Ibn Shaprut; Isaac b. Sheshet; Ishbili; Islam and the Jews; Jaime I; Jonah Gerundi; Josephus, medieval; Judah haLevy; Kings, Jewish; Languages, Jewish; Languedoc; Law, Jewish; Leon; Literature, Hebrew Europe and Mediterranean; Literature, Hebrew Spain; Literature, Jewish (non Hebrew); Louis IX; Louis X; Lull; Maimonides; Marriage (and intermarriage); Martyrdom; Mashal'allah; Masarjawayh; Medicine; Meir b. Barukh; Messianism; Minters of Coins, Jews as; Moneylending; Mordecai b. Hillel; Nahmanides; Narbonne; North Africa; Oath, Jewish; Palestine; Petrus Alfonsi; Philip II; Philip IV; Philip V; Philosophy; Poetry, Hebrew; Poetry in Other Languages; Poland and Lithuania; Poland, Jew in; Polemics, antiChristian; Provence, French; Provence, Spanish; Qabbalah; Qaraites; Rabbis; Radhanites; 'Rashi'; Ritual Murder; Rome; Sa'adyah Gaon; Science and Math; Seals; Sermons, Jewish; Shepherds' Uprisings; Sicily; Spanish Law, Jews in; Synagogues; Talmud, condemnation of; Troyes; Valencia; Visigoths and Jews; Women; Worms
