Psychology (3 SUB)

Psychology (3 SUB)

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  • 製本 Hardcover:ハードカバー版
  • 言語 ENG
  • 商品コード 9780321034328
  • DDC分類 150

Full Description

Psychology, Third Edition, builds upon the experience and reputations of Phil Zimbardo and Ann Weber with the addition of a new co-author, Bob Johnson, who has a wealth of teaching experience at the community college level. This briefer, less expensive textbook presents psychology to both teachers and students in a meaningful, manageable format that focuses on the key questions and core concepts of psychology.Extensive pedagogy, like "Psychology in Your Life," "Using Psychology to Learn Psychology," cross reference arrows, and "If You're Interested," enhance learning and retention. Finally, Psychology integrates a cross-cultural and multicultural perspective to make psychology meaningful for all students. This is done in a briefer, 14-chapter format that is easier to integrate into a semester or quarter course.


All chapters conclude with "Using Psychology to Learn Psychology," "Chapter Summary," "Review Test," and "If You're Interested...1701.Mind, Behavior, and Science. What Is Psychology, and What Are Its Goals?How Do Psychologists Do Research?2.Biopsychology. How Are Genes and Behavior Linked?How Does the Body Communicate Internally?How Does the Brain Produce Behavior and Mental Processes?3.States of Mind. What Is the Nature of Consciousness?What Are the Cycles of Everyday Consciousness?What Other Forms Can Consciousness Take?4.Psychological Development. How Do Psychologists Explain Development?What Capabilities Does the Newborn Possess?What Are the Developmental Tasks of Childhood?What Developmental Changes Occur in Adolescence and Adulthood?5.Sensation and Perception. How Does Stimulation Become Sensation?How Are the Senses Alike? And How Are They Different?How the Other Senses Are Like Vision and Hearing.What Is the Relationship between Perception and Sensation?6.Learning and Remembering. How Does Classical Conditioning Explain Learning?How Do We Learn New Behaviors by Operant Conditioning?How Does Cognitive Psychology Explain Learning?How Does Memory Work?7.Cognitive Processes. How Do Cognitive Scientists Measure the Mind?What Does Thinking Consist Of?Do We Think Logically - Or Psychologically?8.Emotion and Motivation. What Do Our Emotions Do for Us?Where Do Our Emotions Come From?How Much Control Do We Have Over Our Emotions?Motivation: What Makes Us Act as We Do?How Are Achievement, Hunger, and Sex Alike?Different?9.Stress, Health, and Well-being. Is It the Stress or the Stressor?How Does Stress Affect Us Physically?How Do We Respond Psychologically to Stress?How Can We Cope Effectively with Stress?10.Personality. What Forces Shape Our Personalities?What Patterns Are Found in Personality?What "Theories" Do People Use to Understand Each Other?11.Intelligence and the Psychology of Differences. How Have Psychologists Described and Measured Intelligence?What Are the Components of Intelligence?How Do Psychologists Explain IQ Differences among Social and Racial Groups?12.Social Psychology. How Does the Situation Affect Our Behavior?How Do We Construct Our Social Reality?What Can Psychology Tell Us about Solving Social Problems?13.Psychopathology. What Is Mental Disorder?How Are Mental Disorders Classified?What Are the Consequences of Labeling?14.Therapies for Mental Disorder. What Is Therapy?How Do Psychologists Treat Mental Disorders?How Do the Biomedical Therapies Approach Mental Disorders?A Personal Endnote. Appendix. Glossary. References.