Monographs and advanced studie<br> Quantitative Analysis on Contemporary Economic Issues


Monographs and advanced studie
Quantitative Analysis on Contemporary Economic Issues

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  • サイズ B5判/ページ数 177p/高さ 27cm
  • 商品コード 9784873789774
  • Cコード C3033


1 Theoretical Analysis(Intertemporal Effects of Consumption;On the Global Dynamic Properties of a Recursive Preference Model;Redistribution in the Voluntary Provision of a Pure Public Good(or Bad)
Agent‐based Simulation of Emissions Trading:Evaluation of Non‐compliance Penalty Systems ほか)
2 Empirical Analysis(Rationale for Foreign Exchange Reserves Pooling in Asia;Global‐Flow‐of‐Funds Analysis in a Theoretical Model―What Happened in China’s External Flow of Funds;Relative Changes of International Competitiveness Using Input‐Output Tables for Japan and U.S.,1990‐2000―Statistical Analysis Based on the Relative Productivity in the U.S.and Japanese Industry;Benefits Estimation of the SO2 Emissions Trading in Japan,South Korea and each Region of China ほか)